he Ottawa Pagan Schola teaches Hermetic principles to Pagans to help bridge the gap between ancient teachings and modern magical and religious practices. Since Hermeticism itself is the Classical World’s attempt at a unified Theory of Everything, it should come as no surprise that these principles underlie quite a few of our Pagan Faith traditions, making it quite a bit easier to teach with minimal reference to specific Pagan Faiths. Since our objective is to to lay a solid foundation for one’s personal Pagan practice, we see this as a Good Thing™. 🙂
Courses currently on offer can be found by selecting Classes & Events | Our Courses from the menu at the top of the page, or by clicking on the link just provided.
The All of Our Courses tab shows every course we have, whether it’s currently being offered or not. See Classes & Events | How to Register for how to use our online Registration system.