Grads Update, Mabon 2009

Welcome to Schola’s Fall update! We’re off and running with the results of last Fall’s course design workshops, with two new courses being given this semester and two more getting their final touches for a Fall 2010 launch. OPS-100 is back to its usual Fall slot, with OPS-200 to follow it in the Winter session. Any of you who have wanted to take or re-take OPS-200 can put in an application via the official website, or simply email Marie.

The material workshopped in last year’s Elements and Magic (OPS-210: Theory, & 212: Labs) has been reworked as two somewhat simpler and quite separate courses: Introduction to the Elements and Elements of Spellcasting which build upon materials in OPS-100. Both courses have been downgraded to level 1 difficulty, with the more advanced material in process of being re-worked into a new level 2 course: Intermediate Spellworking (which may or may not hang onto the OPS-210 designation). Many thanks to all of you who gave so generously of your time and attention in the Elements and Magic sessions!

We have three Schola courses on offer in the upcoming semester:

  1. OPS-100, led this time by Steph & Tracy and running on Thursday evenings through the Fall;
  2. OPS-110: Introduction to the Elements, led by David, starting in late September; and
  3. OPS-150: Elements of Spellcasting, also led by David, to run in November/December.

See the course descriptions on our website for further details and updates. Note that Schola’s official website is now hosted on our own domain: and that all other websites have been retired. If you have an older bookmark, please update it.

Courses currently in development include Rick’s long-awaited Shamanism course (about to do its first test run), the Kaballah course (in its 3rd test run), David’s Intermediate Spellworking, and an Introduction to Divination course targeted at next Fall.

Webmaster’s Notes:
Current poll standings for “What courses do you want to see more of?”

  • Circle Technique   14.3%
  • Divination               21.4%
  • Energy Work            7.1%
  • Magical Technique  7.1%
  • Local Traditions     14.3%
  • All of the Above!     35.7%

While we have forums and private messaging turned on they aren’t seeing much use, so my Webmaster’s project for the Fall is to try to make them interesting enough to post to. I do realize that social networking forums appeal to a different audience than mailing lists — you do have to log in to see what’s up after all — so I’m looking to some of you social networkers to let us know what you want or need. The existing forum structure is quite basic and, as with Facebook, is visible only to registered users. You’ll see it on your User Menu after you log on.

As always we encourage feedback from you, our committed stakeholders.